I was given this award by Dozer and Cooper over at The Life And Times Of Dozer and Cooper. Here are the rules for being given an award:
Add a link to the person who awarded it to me.
Nominate at least 7 other blogs.
Add links to those blogs on my blog.
Leave a message for my nominees on their blogs.
So I give this award to:
1) A day in the life of our pugs. (http://mypugsblog.blogspot.com)
2) Pug Possessed. (http://pugpossessed.blogspot.com/)
3) Clover's Adventures. (http://cloversadventures.blogspot.com/)
4) Wild Alaskan Mountain Pug. (http://wildalaskanmountainpug.blogspot.com/)
5) The Miss Adventures of Pug & Bugg. (http://pugandbugg.blogspot.com/)
6) Pugsley, the lovely lady pug. (http://pugsleypug.blogspot.com/)
7) Outside the lines. (http://flowermoundstudio.blogspot.com/)
Thank you to all of the about blogs who provide me with daily entertainment. I love reading about the life of your pugs, and some of the photos are priceless! Keep up the good blogging!
Thank you so much for the Web Blog award. What a huge honor. Howard Pee Pugpants, AnnieBelly and Java will each get a special cookie in honor of the award to celebrate! I just read Molly's story. I'm so glad she has found such a loving home. I hope that, with her assistance, you pass your test with flying colors!
Thank you for the award. We promise we'll post about it and pass it along!
Thanks so much for the award! We really appreciate it. :)
Love Clover xo
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