Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Why you should be careful who you give stuff too

So, this is actually Michael - April's Husband.  I'm at home tonight while April is working hard doing her clinical hours for school.  One of our firefighters in my department gave a fire department sweatshirt to a local person that is "residentially challenged."  The firefighter thought he was doing something nice and keeping this guy warm.  WELL . . . as you can tell, you our friend ended up getting into some trouble with the local law.  Unfortunately he was wearing our department sweatshirt... so, he is off to the clink.  Wearing our sweatshirt.  So, the moral of the story, if you don't want your shirt to end up on a criminal in jail, be careful what you give away.

This blogging this is kind of fun.  I might have to do this more often.