Friday, July 13, 2007


I have good news and bad news on Zoe. She is recovering very well from IVDD. She only stumbles every once in a while & is almost walking normal again. We have been doing acupuncture along with homeopathic and conventional medicine. While we were in for acupuncture the other day I noticed a lump on her chest. The dermatologist looked at it and thought it was suspicious of cancer. She took a small sample and looked at it under the microscope, it was wall to wall mast cells. Pugs are prone to mast cell tumors. We went through this with Winston. His tumors came back as grade I. The easiest type to cure by simply removing the tumor. Zoe had three small masses removed and sent out to the lab. Hopefully they will come back as a low grade I. Our poor little Zoe, she turns 7 years old and gets two major issues in the same week.